Fletched Game

For this Project, I've moved to Unreal Engine 5 to create my own game. In this game you are a high-tech archer with all kinds of arrows and other high tech abilities. So far in this project I've created things like Sliding, Archery, Debug tools, Special arrows and a Dynamic Name Tag system.


I've used both inheritance and composition in situations where they fit best. For example a Bow can have a BowComponent, PickUpComponent and a NameTagComponent. A different example is the BlackHoleProjectile which inherits from FletchedProjectile.

The Black Hole Arrow teleports past objects and walls to hit enemies. This arrow will always move exactly past the object it is about to hit. I've used a reverse multiline trace to calculate where the arrow should go, this behaviour is defined in the TeleportProjectile function.

Training course design draft (as seen in the gameplay)

Check this project out on Gitlab

Portfolio website - Raymond Becking

See my GITHUB page here!

Website built together with Onno L'Ortye